Technology: When Kids Can Be Prosecuted & What You Can Do

No matter the competence of parenting skills, children often choose a path contradictory to what has been taught to them. No matter the competence of parenting skills, children often choose a path contradictory to what has been taught to them. What may begin as an innocent act, could land children and teens in a world of trouble. Their actions online can easily be the reason they find themselves needing legal representation.
This can be a scary endeavor for even the most seasoned parents. The normal everyday challenges of child rearing can be stressful enough, but add a pending criminal charge to the mix and life can become stressed to the max. The first step in protecting your children from criminal charges is becoming well versed on when and what today's children may be held accountable.
Technology is rapidly changing how children and teens can be prosecuted; yet nearly everyday they are downloading apps that open their world to a new level of vulnerabilities...